DIY Parental Control Router Options.
Although we don’t ship routers to all countries, the Kibosh Filter will work anywhere in the world. All you need to do is provide the hardware.
How to build your own Parental Control router.
- Buy a router (any router), flash it will Gargoyle or DD-WRT, and use Kibosh Open (free)
- Simply change your routers DNS settings to Kibosh’s.
- NOTE: if users trying to bypass the router is a concern, see How to block DNS Bypass.
- Buy your own router, and flash it with Gargoyle, and purchase a Kibosh Gargoyle ID ($29.99/yr)
- There is a Kibosh plugin in Gargoyle.
- No software (DDNS agents) required for this setup.
- This is your best option for a very secure, full featured Parental Control device. The Gargoyle firmware offers powerful features like proprietary bandwidth monitoring & management and enforces Kibosh security making it very difficult to bypass.