
Kibosh Router 2.0

Kibosh Router Issues Troubleshooting

Each Kibosh Router is tested before its shipped. So that when you get your Kibosh Router, all you need to do is plug it in and it will work. Which means that 99% of the time, the issue is on your end: either your network and / or your ISP equipment. TIPS: Always test from multiple devices. How to test: browse to test.kibosh.net General Network Setup: [Kibosh Router]—->[Modem/Router]—>WWW Your Kibosh Router router plugs into your Modem/Router, the one provided you…

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How to log into your Global Dashboard

The Global Dashboard a.k.a. the ‘Dash’ is where we control our Kibosh 2.0 Routers. Only existing Kibosh 2.0 Router customers can login. Kibosh 1.0 / DNS customers go here. This is an example of a 2.0 Kibosh ID: 60a4b72ea79e. It’s labeled under your Kibosh, and listed in your Dash > Account page. You can log into your Dash using either your email / password or Kibosh ID / password. If you’ve forgotten your password you can reset it here – but you…

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How to block youtube.com

For Kibosh 2.0 Global Dashboard Q: How can I block YouTube.com? A: Go to Dash > Web Filter > Options and enable YouTube Strict Mode. Strict Mode is very effective and will render YouTube almost useless at the same time leaving it ON so your browsing is not negatively impacted. Explanation: YouTube is Google, and Google is massive with many websites and services like Gmail. If you are logged into any Google property you are inside their domain and have…

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How to manually change WAN IP

  Before you being you will need the following information: STATIC WAN IP SUBNET GATEWAY To do this: Download putty to your PC Open an SSH tunnel to port 98 using putty Login using ‘password’ From the CLI manually type each line: uci set network.wan.proto=’static’; uci set network.wan.ipaddr=’WAN IP’; uci set network.wan.netmask=’SUBNET’; uci set network.wan.gateway=’GATEWAY’; uci set kibosh_private.main.force_config_send=”1″ uci commit reboot Reboot The entire process should take about 10 min. VI commands: i = insert, esc = break from…

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Filter Exceptions

How to exclude device(s) from Kibosh Filters. Any device(s) added to the Exclusion list will be unfiltered. Be careful, don’t forget what’s out there. How to exclude devices from Kibosh Filters thus exposing them to the raw Internet: Log into Global Dashboard Go to Manage Device > Filter Exceptions Choose your device from the quick drop-down (see EX 1) Add Save Your device will be listed in exclusions (see EX 2) Wait 5 min Go to test.kibosh.net on the device…

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How to find your Kibosh ID.

How to find your Kibosh ID. This applies to all Kibosh Router 2.0 owners. To find your Kibosh ID: You must be connected to the Kibosh Router via Wi-Fi or LAN. Open a browser and go to The Kibosh ID for this router will be shown You can use this ID to log into the Global Dashboard You can use this ID to get support You can use this ID to request a Global Dash password reset Did not…

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Troubleshooting: Reload Firmware

For Kibosh Router 2.0 owners. If you’re experiencing sketchy Internet (which you can quickly ascertain using our guide on ‘ping‘). If your Schedule Internet Access rules are not triggering correctly (they should every time no problem). Essentially, if anything is wrong with your Kibosh Router, or you suspect something is wrong – update the firmware. It takes less than 5 min, and will not hurt anything or wipe out your existing rules. How to resolve Kibosh Router issues (any issue):…

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Internet Security and Parental Controls.

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