

When does a VPN make sense?

VPN ads are everywhere today. These ads imply that a (their) VPN will make your life better. ” Our VPN will protect your privacy and thwart the bad guys from tracking and hacking you!” One would need to go much deeper than a simple VPN to be completely anonymous online – although a VPN does play a role. So, what exactly is a VPN and when would you want to use one? At Kibosh I have setup and operated our VPN Server for our Mobile…

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What happens when a DNS request is made?

Kibosh makes protecting your family online easy. A little behind-the-scenes look at a DNS Query: → You type www.example.com into your web browser. → Your device sends a request to your configured Kibosh DNS → The Kibosh DNS asks the root nameserver for the IP address of the TLD nameserver responsible for .com domains. ← The root nameserver returns the IP address of the .com TLD nameserver to the Kibosh DNS → The Kibosh DNSasks the .com TLD nameserver for the address of the authoritative nameserver responsible for example.com. ← The .com TLD nameserver returns the IP address of the authoritative nameserver to the Kibosh DNS →…

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12 Steps to Eliminate Microsoft Spyware

Microsoft 10’s service agreement consists of about 12,000 words, which clearly states that the operating system will be invading your privacy like never before and if you haven’t read that then it’s not your mistake, we hardly read TOS anyway. In the service agreement M$ states that, “We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief…

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Mikovitz Plandemic – Fall of the Cabal

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” ― George Orwell Dr. Judy A Mikovits – Plague of Corruption – all your COVID answers here. Dr. Mikovits, a twenty-year veteran of the National Cancer Institute, this was the midpoint of a five-year journey that would start with the founding of the Whittemore-Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease at the University of Nevada, Reno, and end with her as a witness…

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Directory of files Renamer

This free, small utility app will save you time by renaming each file in a directory with sequential numbering in the following format: [FILENAME][#].[EXTENSION] EX: S01E01.mp4, S03E14.avi, Corner Gas 01×01.avi, etc. This tool was built for renaming tv show files into a format readable by any entertainment management tool like Emby, or Plex (I’ve used both, I prefer Emby). However, it can be used on any file format – .mp4, .mkv, .docx, .tif, etc. Directory of files Renamer Download: v1.0 –…

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iOS Family Safe How-To

Apple has developed a nice Parental Control system that will 1) tell you where your child is, 2) give you control over what apps they can install. The piece they do not addressed is Internet content filtering which can be resolved with a Kibosh VPN.Remember, there are 3 sections that need to be addressed on mobile to ensure a Family Safe Experience:1 ) Internet Content Filtering2) App Control3) Location Tracking How to setup Family Sharing for App Control and Location…

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What is wireless mesh and is it worth pursuing.

  A lot of router vendors marketing mesh today. It’s the latest and greatest “new technology” marketing used to sell more routers (which is exactly what mesh does, sell more routers). So, what is mesh and is it worth your time and expense? Q: What is wireless mesh? A: You have a large home / office and a single wireless router does not reach some fringe locations. To resolve you add range extenders. The range extenders do solve the problem,…

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Happy New Year!

Hi Everyone, We just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, and a big thank you to all of our customers for supporting what we believe is a very important product for families today. This year we will be releasing Kibosh 2.0, another step closer to the perfect Parental Control solution. We’ll be introducing a new Gigabit Wireless AC router, a new UI, a new location and app usage monitor, an improved mobile solution (unlike…

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Movie and Game Reviews for Parents.

  If you would like to know exactly what’s in a movie try PluggedIn.com Plugged In will tell you how much of the following content is in a movie / game: Positive Elements Spiritual Content Sexual Content Cleavage Underwear Kisses Nudity Sexual situations Violent Content Crude or Profane Language How many, and what was said. Drug and Alcohol Content Plugged In Online is a Focus on the Family publication designed to shine a light on the world of popular entertainment while giving…

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Internet Security and Parental Controls.

Tales from the blog!