
What exactly is a “family safe Internet”?

What exactly is a “family safe Internet” or “parental control” solution? Raising our families next to a raw Internet is not a good idea. Objectionable content is so rampant it’s nearly impossible to avoid even when conducting the most benign searches.This is an obvious problem faced by families around the world and many Parental Control (PC) products have been rushed into the market over the last few years to try and capitalize on it.Unfortunately it’s a very difficult, time consuming and…

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Is the Kibosh router just a simple DNS filter?

The following is a question we received from a potential customer: Question: Mrs. Smith: “Thanks for all your help. I I just wanted to confirm everything as I’m not the most technology advanced but my husband is. He is worried that since the Kibosh uses a DNS type filtering system it will be easy to bypass.  We’ve tried open other DNS solutions before, but they were easily bypassed by changing local settings, or using a VPN which allowed you to view…

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Internet Security and Parental Controls.

Tales from the blog!