

When does a VPN make sense?

VPN ads are everywhere today. These ads imply that a (their) VPN will make your life better. ” Our VPN will protect your privacy and thwart the bad guys from tracking and hacking you!” One would need to go much deeper than a simple VPN to be completely anonymous online – although a VPN does play a role. So, what exactly is a VPN and when would you want to use one? At Kibosh I have setup and operated our VPN Server for our Mobile…

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What happens when a DNS request is made?

Kibosh makes protecting your family online easy. A little behind-the-scenes look at a DNS Query: → You type www.example.com into your web browser. → Your device sends a request to your configured Kibosh DNS → The Kibosh DNS asks the root nameserver for the IP address of the TLD nameserver responsible for .com domains. ← The root nameserver returns the IP address of the .com TLD nameserver to the Kibosh DNS → The Kibosh DNSasks the .com TLD nameserver for the address of the authoritative nameserver responsible for example.com. ← The .com TLD nameserver returns the IP address of the authoritative nameserver to the Kibosh DNS →…

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Do you watch TV?

In order to truly walk away from an addiction to pornography we need to be very careful about what we put into our minds. Of all people the former addict is more aware of this (having done the exact opposite for so many years). Mainstream TV should be eliminated for a few reasons: 1) most of the content is hyper sexualized and will subliminally trigger a fall, and 2) it’s 100% all lies. Did you know, that before leaving office,…

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Colloidal / ionic Silver vs Bacteria tests

Personally I’ve been using CS for years on everything, even as mouthwash. I have not had cavities in years. Topically there is no question CS works, and my personal experience has been outstanding. Internally, if I feel any kind of chest congestion / cold coming on I use CS in a nebulizer. Note that I’ve not been really sick in years although I know I’ve caught a few bugs, and was coming down with something, but I hammer it with…

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12 Steps to Eliminate Microsoft Spyware

Microsoft 10’s service agreement consists of about 12,000 words, which clearly states that the operating system will be invading your privacy like never before and if you haven’t read that then it’s not your mistake, we hardly read TOS anyway. In the service agreement M$ states that, “We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief…

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Mikovitz Plandemic – Fall of the Cabal

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” ― George Orwell Dr. Judy A Mikovits – Plague of Corruption – all your COVID answers here. Dr. Mikovits, a twenty-year veteran of the National Cancer Institute, this was the midpoint of a five-year journey that would start with the founding of the Whittemore-Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease at the University of Nevada, Reno, and end with her as a witness…

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How to protect mobile, from a parents perspective.

When we hand our most valuable resource an Internet capable mobile device it should be protected so they cannot get into trouble. It’s not that they are looking for trouble, but on a raw Internet trouble WILL find them. If you’ve ever tried to use any of the mobile solutions available over the last few years you know that they do not work, but usually you don’t find this out until after investing valuable money and time trying to make…

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Phishing emails abound, be ever vigilant.

  A phishing email is an email crafted to appear legitimate in order to trick you into clicking on a link or attachment. Said link or attachment will contain malware. Phishing emails are nothing new, but they have become much harder to spot, and are becoming much more common (because they work). We help people and companies deal with phishing email fallout all the time. Here are a few tips to protecting yourself. Preface: One aspect of email you need…

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Does Kibosh Filter Netflix Content?

Here at Kibosh, we often get asked the question “does Kibosh filter Netflix?”  With Kibosh filtering, you certainly have the ability to entirely block Netflix for individual devices in the home, which may be useful as a temporary measure or punishment.   However, in the era of cord-cutting and the vast catalog of quality entertainment on Netflix, many parents are wondering if there is a way to protect their kids from viewing unwanted material.  Fortunately, there is a way to…

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What exactly is Safe Search?

Search engines display results that match your keywords. Sometimes, explicit content will appear in your search results, as well as image and video searches. SafeSearch is a feature in most search engines that allows you filter your search results and adjust the strictness of the SafeSearch feature. Although SafeSearch is effective, it’s also dangerously easy to disable. Additionally, it’s important to make sure it’s enabled for each search engine that you use.  Further, even if you have enabled SafeSearch for…

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Internet Security and Parental Controls.

Tales from the blog!