By simply plugging a Kibosh in as your primary router hardcore objectionable content on the Internet will be inaccessible from any device, and you don’t need to configure anything to make this happen.

Now that the really bad stuff is blocked, we can focus on the more subjective content like bikinis, drugs, social networks, etc. These you can either block individually by entering the website(s) into your blacklist, or en masse by selecting categories of content to block. All easily done from your Kibosh.

A few sites that are not blocked by default, but you might consider blocking, and why:

  • – (chat category) – with more than 120 million registered users, Kik is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. Its biggest group of users are young, with around 40% of American teenagers having reportedly tried the service. According to Kik, “porn bots” make up around 1% of the app’s entire message volume each day, suggesting that thousands of them regularly crawl its network.
  • – (blogs/socialnetworks category) – lots of good content, lots of really bad content, and it’s very difficult to filter out the bad.
  • –  (imagehosting/socialnetworks category) – one of the largest hosts of pornographic material on the web, and it’s very difficult to filter out the bad.
  • (image hosting category) – lots of good content, lots of really bad content, and it’s very difficult to filter out the bad.
  • Snapchat – (chat category) – (why)
  • Tinder – (dating / chat category) – (why)
  • Instagram – (chat category) – (why)

A note about messaging apps, or any social connectivity type app – the problem isn’t so much the app itself, generally, but nefarious entities using techniques like ‘porn bots’ to target en masse all of the apps users – which are mostly young and impressionable adults. Porn bots are fake, autonomous programs that more often than not, try to entice users to click on paid-for sites with flirty conversations and the promise of porn.

It’s a dangerous physical world out there, and the Internet isn’t any different. You need protection, you need a Kibosh.