Internet Security
& Parental Controls
The Internet as it should be.
For $2.50 per month.
Instantly removes all unwanted content from your internet.
14 day free trial - log in and cancel anytime yourself.

Dual-Band Wireless AC Gigabit Router
Proprietary internet security & parental control solution, over 12 years in service.
One-time fee of $80 for the gigabit wireless AC router.

For iOS / Android.
Provides security and family safe Internet over wi-fi and cellular data.

Fabulous service. This is the only thing we’ve found to keep our internet browsing safe. Keep up the good work.
Brendan M. in WA, member since 2014
Some Features and Benefits

No more porn on your Internet!

SafeSearch is critical and enforced at all times.

Enterprise Grade Malware blocking on all devices

Proprietary cloud-based filtering infrastructure
Browse Features and Choose which Kibosh product is right for you.
Millions of websites blocked and more added every day for a very clean internet experience.
SafeSearch is critical to a family safe internet.
Globally enforced: Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yandex.
See also SafeSearch Lock-in.
Kibosh subscribes to multiple enterprise malware blocking lists - the same ones the commercial ($$) versions use. So, no need to pay for them anymore...
From the Global Dashboard you can easily see what someone else is browsing on the internet, as they are doing it (a.k.a., in real-time).
From the Global Dashboard you can exclude specific devices(s) from any internet content filtering.
Globally enforce YouTube in Moderate, or Strict mode.
In addition to the core family safe internet, Kibosh Router offers these additional features:
- Control Internet Access
- Per device
- Schedule or immediate
- Internet Activity Logging
- Real-time (see it live)
- Archived / historical
- Device Specific
These are accessible from any browser, anywhere in the world via Global Dashboard.
Note that Kibosh 2.0 was rebuilt in part to perfect the above which are notoriously difficult to make work reliably. If you've ever used another parental control product you'll know what I'm laying down.
Kibosh keeps it as simple as possible, and reliable.
The Kibosh Router is plug-n-play setup with no required ongoing effort on your part to maintain.
Kibosh VPN is also very much hands off - install the VPN and it just works. You can then apply additional parental controls
Kibosh DNS does require some setup, but it's flexible and effective.
Kibosh DNs - daily activity logs delivered via email.
Kibosh Router - real-time (i.e., see what's going on while it's going on), and daily historical for up to 2 weeks.
Kibosh VPN - no logs at this time.
There are a few methods your user(s) might employ to bypass Kibosh filtering. Only a properly configured router can block these methods.
- Example: users changes DNS servers on their device in attempt to bypass Kibosh filtering. If you have a Kibosh Router this will not work.
There are browsers, search engines, Tor plugins (ala Brave), DNS over HTTPS, VPNs - technologies that prevent our parental control. Kibosh Router automagically blocks them all at the gateway.
Kibosh DNS: you can block DNS Bypass if you have a enterprise grade router.
Kibosh VPN: you lock the VPN in using mobile AppLocks / Parental Controls.
SafeSearch Lock-In is a setting that when enabled blocks all non-SafeSearch enforced search engines.
For example, Google/Bing/DuckDuckGo/Yandex will always be in SafeSearch ON mode. This means that they will work and look exactly the same as always, only pornographic images will not exist, and search terms that would return pornographic websites will not work.
SafeSearch enforcement is a key ingredient to a complete family safe internet.
But not all search engines offer a SafeSearch mode thus allowing the user to search for anything (usually porn images).
SafeSearch Lock-In ensures only Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yandex or Swisscow can be used.
Many popular browsers (Chrome, Brave, FireFox, etc) offer the user an Incognito Mode browsing experience.
Incognito mode does not record the users activity and provides a way to access porn without leaving any trace on the PC i.e., activity is not tracked.
Most filters will not work in Incognito Mode.
Kibosh does.
Why Kibosh Is Important
Because a raw internet is no place to raise a family.
Because the home is no place for unfettered access to porn.
Because doing nothing is in fact a decision.
Because before Kibosh we didn't really have a legitimate solution.
Kibosh requires ZERO effort to maintain, forever.
Kibosh cannot be misconfigured.
On a raw Internet porn, malware & graphic image results are impossible to avoid.
Unless you have Kibosh...
Over 10 years of sales and ongoing development
Kibosh 2.0
We took everything we learned from Kibosh 1.0 and poured it into 2.0. Stop messing around with pseudo parental control solutions and get the real thing.
Kibosh is an enterprise grade cloud-based internet content filter & security solution - for the home. Reliable, powerful, simple and sustainable.
With Kibosh we have no excuses anymore. Simply plug it in, and the bad stuff is gone. There is nothing else you need to do, but the parental controls are there if you want / need them.
- 1Instantly removes all forms of internet porn and malware - on every device. No software to install.
- 2Easily manage (i.e., see what's going on) from any web browser from anywhere in the world.
- 3No more worries! A Kibosh cannot be misconfigured or turned off (although you can exclude).

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What People Are Saying About Kibosh
"Works like a charm"
"thank you! Works like a charm so far. Wish I had this growing up. Would have curbed my addiction. But at least I’ll have it when I have kids some day."
Alex in OH
FEB 2022
"...never had any problems with bad content."
“We’ve been with you guys for a long time, and I just wanted you to know how pleased I am with Kibosh. My whole family is always on the Internet and we have never had any problems with bad content. I really appreciate that, thank you!"
Joanna in NC
FEB 2019
" guys are the best out there."
“Your product is amazing, it just goes and goes.I’m amazed at how good your filter is, you guys are the best out there."
Emmanuel in TX
Computer Services Center
Well, I've heard all this before, and I've been burnt a few times....
We've used every internet security / parental control product ever created from software (remember bsecure, net nanny?) to hardware (remember esafekids, iboss?) and server based (remember DansGuardian, SquidProxy?), and they are all fail in some way. The enterprise solutions can be good, but the cost and complexity makes them unfeasible for most.
This is why Kibosh exists, to solve a problem we all have, but no one else has been able to solve sustainably. As apposed to the poorly designed, rushed to market solutions we've had to suffer through, like the Disney Circle.
To be honest we didn't know if it could be done in a way that could be used in homes, and scaled to handle many users. It took us five solid years just to put a product on the shelf, Kibosh 1.0, and it still wasn't ready (although it still worked well).
We took everything learned building Kibosh 1.0 and poured it into 2.0, which is ready.
There is nothing better and we're very proud of it.
Can you trust Kibosh?
We have customers with us over 10 years!
Kibosh collects and sells nothing - we stay in business off the $29.99 per year subscriptions.
We host our own private cloud servers in our own data centers.
Thus Internet activity is truly PRIVATE.
In regards to the product in question - as a Kibosh owner you will look back after a few years and appreciate the usefulness, accuracy and simplicity of this tool.

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